MeDia IsSuEs & DeBaTeS..x

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

uSeS & gRaTiFiCaTiOnS tHeOrY..X

this theory assumes an active audience, which chooses the texts it consumes and where individuals have differing reasons for consuming these texts...

Blumer & Katz expanded this theory in 1974, suggesting a series of possible reasons why audience members might consume a media text:


(escape from everyday problems and routine)

I guess sometimes watching a good tv programme or an interesting movie can help to detach you from problems and daily routine as you may be engrossed with what you're watching causing you to switch off from daily events - this is referred to as 'escapism'. I don't always tend to do this however there are times when I may feel to get away from everything and nothings better for that than a good film.

Personal Relationships...

(using the media for emotional and other interaction)

To be honest I don't feel that this applies to me. I don't actually watch any soaps now - they just all seem like abit of a bore and I don't feel as if though I am able to relate to the situations, characters and relationships portrayed in them . The only soap I have formally watched is 'Eastenders' but that was time ago then and for some reason it was entertaining then but just not anymore.

Personal Identity...
(constructing their own identity from characters in media texts)

I don't think that I construct my own identity from characters in media texts that I come across. I do relate to certain characters in certain ways at times dependant upon the situation however, this doesn't help me to form my own identity via them. There are times that I also feel a part of a situation as it may be a reflection of my own life but generally media texts do not form my own identity.

(information gathering)

This aspect of the theory probably relates to me the most as I do watch the news with my mum at times in the week and read the paper she brings home most days oOo and I do quite frequently check the weather :)

Additional audience motivations include the following suggestions by Denis McQuail:

In terms of finding out about relevent events and conditions or seeking advice I don't usually rely on the television - I use the internet as the main source of my informational needs as it is a quicker alternative to the tv. Such as for example to find out certain information - perhaps flight details or checking the weather etc.
For general interest, there are times when I may watch particular documentaries that may appeal to me.

Generally, you are able to learn from any media text that you may consume - you are bound to come across things you didn't previously know. Although, I don;t specifically watch things that I intend to learn from unless it's the news or a documentary.

Integration & Social Interaction...

Finding a basis for conversation and social interaction is porbably something that would occur in my life as there are times when you watch something you really anjoyed or found interesting that you would want to discuss with everyone the next day.
I don't think you can use tv as a substitute for real life companionship that's just silly - tv doesn't compare to real relationships.


This is probably the main reason I watch tv - for entertainment. I tend to turn to tv when I am bored or feel as if though I have nothing better to do when I probably do. And when I'm just chilling. The stuff I generally tend to watch in such a situation is tv sitcoms, perhaps dramas, music videos or a film. Also - this can be a form of escapism when I'm trying to get away from something like work lol.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

eFfEcTs tHeOrY..x

The effects theory generally provides the view that the passive mass audiences are manipulated by forced ideologies from the media - a similar view to that of a Marxist view point.

The Frankfurt School...
initially brought about the idea of the 'effects theory'. The Frankfurt School was
a group of left wing socialists challenging the rise of the 'culture industry' in Nazi Germany. They insisted that this rise was the reason for society wanting to conform to the social 'standard'. Also, they believed that under capitalism, society is in control over everything and even culture in the mass media is seen as something which is bought and sold.

The Hypodermic Needle Model...
deals with the idea that the passive audience is injected with ideologies - usually by the ruling classes (hegemonic model) in order to be conditioned to think and accept the media that they recieve in a certain way.

Violence in the Media...
the media is generally blamed for all moral panics and forms of anti social behaviour in society.
The 'moral majority' argue that certain tv output should be censored if it is too explicitly sexual, violent or offensive in other ways as they believe that audience is easily influenced to then behave in this way - assuming again that the audience is passive.

Cultivation Theory...
the idea that a single text does not have much effect, however repeated exposure will make the audience less sensitive. This is refered to as becoming 'desensitised' - for example, where certain films may have initially been banned from public viewing due to explicit content they are often shown years later where they are completely accepted due to the changing attitudes of society.

Two - Step Flow...
assumes a more active audience whom discuss media texts with each other, although they may still may influenced by certain media dependant upon where the media is directed from - for example if we consume certain ideologies from someone we respect, we are more likely to be influenced by them.

mY oPiNioN...

my view on the 'effects theory' is very similar to that of the 'marxist theory'. I do believe that there is a sense of control over the audience by the ruling state and they are manipulated into the ideologies that they consume within the media. Having been said however, I do also feel that the audience - especially today are becoming far more media literate, therefore more active. So, I do agree with the 'two - step flow' which states that although the audience is more active, they are still vulnrable to manipulation; especially if the media they are consuming is by someone they respect and trust.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Karl Marx argued that capitalism is based on the profit motive and that under capitalism, profits are generated by expolited workers.

Marx believed that capitalist society is divided into two social classes:

  • The working class, or proletariat, who sell their labour and do not own the means of production
  • The bourgeoisie, who own the means of production and employ the proletariat.
  • The bourgeoisie may be further subdivided:
  1. Wealthy bourgeoisie who dont need to work themselves themselves
  2. Petty bourgeoisie who emply others, but also work themselves.


identified the Ideological State Apparatuses:
  • Religion
  • Education
  • Family
  • Legal and political system
  • Political system (trade unions)
  • Cultural and communications systems

extended this with the concept of hegemony; meaning the dominance of the ideologies of the ruilng class, with all the beliefs and values that they incorporate.

Why am I a Marxist...?

I think that I'm partly a Marxist because I do believe that we live in a capitalist society where most people work under the more powerful in order to live their lives comfortably. I also feel that the ruling class most probably do have more control over the media because of their economic reach and power, however I also feel that no matter which text the audience to consume, even if it has been blatantly portrayed in a certain way it is still their decision as to what they make of it.


Pluralists view society as a sysytem of competing groups and interests, none of them predominant.

  • Pluralism is the opposite of Marxism.
  • It rejects the concept of a mass culture in society and believes that audiences are able to choose from a variety of cultural options and that the ultimate decision is theirs to make on which texts they want to consume based upon their own preferences as the audience is assumed as being active rather than passive.
  • Class distinctions are considered less important, opposing the views of Marxism and there is also no hegemonic message concieled in the consumed text.
  • Also, the Media is considered as being the fouth estate, meaning that its role is to ensure the public are informed about the happenings of the other estates, eg. church, goverment and legal system.

Why am I a Pluralist...?

I believe I am partly a Pluralist as I do agree with several of its concepts and theories. Such as for example, I believe that the audience are partially active as they are aware of what they consume and what they make of it, no one should be a big enough influence to make such decisions for them. Also, I agree with the media being considered as the fourth estate as it is true that we as the audience are always aware of what is happening in other estates but this is only fair as the public should be aware of what is going on and why.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

wHaT dO YoU tHiNk oF mY bLoG...?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"ASA declines to investigate 'terror' ad..."

The advertising watchdog has decided against launching an investigation into Sony's new, explosive "paint" TV ad, despite complaints that it is inappropriate in "today's climate of terror".

The ad, which shows 70,000 litres of paint exploding on a disused council block in Glasgow, required an arsenal of explosive equipment to create, including 1,700 detonators, 455 mortars and 622 bottle bombs.

The Advertising Standards Authority received four complaints from members of the public that the ad was "insensitive" and in "poor taste" given the current climate of terrorist threats.

The ad, created by the agency Fallon, shows the council block being covered in paint from explosions, with one shot showing a clown running away from the scene.

The ad agency and Sony have reiterated that the building they used was empty and scheduled for demolition.

An ASA spokeswoman said the body had decided not to launch an investigation into the ad campaign.

My Comments...

This article talks about advertising standards agency ASA and how they rufused to investigate the new Sony ad for a new lcd television. In this advert, the emphasise is on the clarity of the tv which is expressed via the colour used and the distinctive way in which it has been shown as there are explosions of colour.

In my opinion there is nothing wrong or offensive about this advert - I think it has been constructed cleverly and is interesting to watch as it contains a great ammount of appeal for the product advertised.

"MTV strikes deal with Chinese search giant..."

Viacom, the owner of MTV, has struck a deal to provide television and music video content to the Chinese search engine giant,

The partnership between MTV Networks and, the search engine market leader in China and reportedly the fourth most-visited website in the world, marks the biggest effort to date to introduce American television and entertainment programming to the country., which outperforms both Google and Yahoo! in its home market, was set up by a 38-year-old former Disney employee, Robin Li, with $1.2m (£640,000) in start-up capital.

The deal comes two months after MTV Networks, which operates Nickledeon and VH-1 as well as the MTV family of international channels, struck a similar deal with Google to distribute advert-supported clips over the internet.

Bill Roedy, the head of MTV Networks International, described the deal as an "amazing opportunity to tap into a new market ... a direct link to the number one portal in China".

MTV Networks will provide Baidu with 15,000 hours of original video and licensed music content. Much of it will be dubbed and tailored to Chinese viewers, with popular regional artists also featured.

Baidu will also create a branded area on its website, called MTV Zone.
MTV is broadcast into Southern China, and Viacom has a partnership with the Shanghai Media Group.
MTV also has deals with China Mobile and China Unicom to provide content to handsets.
China is the fastest growing internet market, second only to the US, with around 123 million users.

My Comments...

This article talks about the partnership between Viacom and Chinese search engine Baidu. The partnership has been formed in an effort for Viacom - the owner of MTV to supply television and music content to the search engine in order to introduce such texts to the Chinese media market.
In my opinion this could be a very successful partnership considering the recent success between the merge of Google and YouTube. This is because when two large companies do integrate to cater to the wants of their audiences the result should be a positive one.