MeDia IsSuEs & DeBaTeS..x

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

eFfEcTs tHeOrY..x

The effects theory generally provides the view that the passive mass audiences are manipulated by forced ideologies from the media - a similar view to that of a Marxist view point.

The Frankfurt School...
initially brought about the idea of the 'effects theory'. The Frankfurt School was
a group of left wing socialists challenging the rise of the 'culture industry' in Nazi Germany. They insisted that this rise was the reason for society wanting to conform to the social 'standard'. Also, they believed that under capitalism, society is in control over everything and even culture in the mass media is seen as something which is bought and sold.

The Hypodermic Needle Model...
deals with the idea that the passive audience is injected with ideologies - usually by the ruling classes (hegemonic model) in order to be conditioned to think and accept the media that they recieve in a certain way.

Violence in the Media...
the media is generally blamed for all moral panics and forms of anti social behaviour in society.
The 'moral majority' argue that certain tv output should be censored if it is too explicitly sexual, violent or offensive in other ways as they believe that audience is easily influenced to then behave in this way - assuming again that the audience is passive.

Cultivation Theory...
the idea that a single text does not have much effect, however repeated exposure will make the audience less sensitive. This is refered to as becoming 'desensitised' - for example, where certain films may have initially been banned from public viewing due to explicit content they are often shown years later where they are completely accepted due to the changing attitudes of society.

Two - Step Flow...
assumes a more active audience whom discuss media texts with each other, although they may still may influenced by certain media dependant upon where the media is directed from - for example if we consume certain ideologies from someone we respect, we are more likely to be influenced by them.

mY oPiNioN...

my view on the 'effects theory' is very similar to that of the 'marxist theory'. I do believe that there is a sense of control over the audience by the ruling state and they are manipulated into the ideologies that they consume within the media. Having been said however, I do also feel that the audience - especially today are becoming far more media literate, therefore more active. So, I do agree with the 'two - step flow' which states that although the audience is more active, they are still vulnrable to manipulation; especially if the media they are consuming is by someone they respect and trust.


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